Despite the loudness it brings, thunder is usually pretty much harmless. However, it is an entirely different thing when we talk about thunderstorms because it often comes with lightning – which can be quite dangerous.

Whenever thunderstorms occur, the advisable thing to do is to take cover by staying indoors and to stop using appliances. Electrical discharges from lightning can possibly damage your appliances so you might as well take proper precautions. To make matters worse, hail, tornadoes, and strong winds are other risks that can also come with thunderstorms.

If you are like most people, then chances are you have only seen thunderstorm clouds upclose on movies. Yes, there are those who may have taken a closer look as plane passengers but this is usually a rare case since aircrafts are usually advised against flying during extreme weather.

But did you know you can have a chance to have the experience of seeing (and even holding!) such a cloud right in your own room? Thanks to Richard Clarkson, anyone can now answer in the affirmative.

Aptly named “Cloud,” this wonderful lamp and speaker system definitely looks like the real deal – without the rain and the lightning, of course.

It’s pretty amazing considering that this interactive fixture comes with lights, motion sensors, and superb speakers. It even comes with a remote control that will allow you to set the lamp to various modes.

More info: (H/T: colossal)

Take a look at the GIFs and the video below to see how it works.


The “Cloud” is surely something attractive for science teachers since it can serve as the perfect prop for classroom discussions regarding the weather. But then again, who can resist the chance of getting this cool item?

Cheers to Richard Clarkson for creating something so awesome we wish it’s widely available for everyone.
