These openly beautiful arts is breaking the monotony of city life. To give joy, positive vibes and questions that points to human nature, social interactions to sustain people and care for the surrounding environment.
This art was posted in Singapore, The message of this art is “gift of life , gift of hope” to give hope to people..
The "Singhealth Service" contacted her to make an art that would portray a positive message about gift of blood/organs or others. Mademoiselle said these words describing the experience in Singapore "Months before, people of the hospital, doctor, patient, children and schools of Singapore fold 1.000.000 of origami flowers!"
This one is located in Panathénaic stadium in Athens, Greece.
This art was associated with Action Acid a group that supports people in poverty.
This is how they make this craft and how time-consuming it is. I could imagine the dedication and the love that Mademoiselle has for this art!
This one is dedicated to the ARTAQ 2013 and she calls it "ANGERS" She said, "30,000 folds were collected through the motivation of Anjou"
(Image source:
Honestly, I feel in-love with her art and her dedication! I wish we tons of people like here making the world a colorful place!
If you want to know more about Mademoiselle.
You can visit here website at
or check out how she makes her art and install it here: