Animal cruelty has been one of the most distinct issues in our society nowadays. Around the globe, countless cases of violence against them remained unresolved. Advocates against animal cruelty have been reinforcing the proper handling of both domesticated and wild animals but it seems that human's greed has overcome what is righteous.

We enjoy the scenario from zoos and circuses where animals presented have become source of entertainment. But has it crossed our minds that these animals behind the bars would be much happier if they are freely wandering the wilds?

 Animals have also become tools in different industries. They are subjects for experiment in pharmaceutical companies, medical schools, commercial establishments, etc. The products sold on markets which has undergone animal testing give us a lot of comfort yet the cost of these conveniences are inflicted pain for these voiceless creatures.

The pictures below will showcase some of the most powerful advertisements against animal cruelty.

If You Don’t Pick It Up They Will
Advertising Agency: TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Johannesburg, South Africa

Animals Are Not Clowns! 
Advertising Agency: Partners Lisboa, Portugal

Annually, millions of animals are captured, separated from their families and kept in cage and chains for human entertainment.  They have to be beaten countless of times for them to learn and perform silly tricks. They have to be deprived of so many things to be in the zoo and be a destination for educational tours. Behind the bars they cry for justice and freedom.

WWF: What Will It Take Before We Respect The Planet?
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Paris, France

Help Us Fight The Effects Of Cosmetic Testing! 
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Brussels, Belgium

Most consumers are unaware that the products we use for hygiene and cosmetics came from the suffering of animals. We don’t read labels and check what the products are made of. The secrets of the colorful cosmetics we have are behind the laboratories which animals consider as hell.

Fashion Claims More Victims Than You Think
We find it disgusting to see animals being skinned but fur lovers are still into these animal fashion. For every apparel they wear, untold stories of animals that undergo excruciating pain are behind it.

Stop The Abuse!
Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Cape Town, South Africa

Don’t Buy Exotic Animal Souvenirs!
Advertising Agency: LOWE GGK, Warsaw, Poland

Plastic Bags Kill!
Advertising Agency: BBDO Malaysia, MALAYSIA, Kuala Lumpur / Advertising Agency: Duval Guillaume, Belgium. (H/T: BoredPanda)

These ads need to be seen by everyone!

We are considered to be the superior creatures in this world yet it is not an excuse for us to harm other creatures. The responsibility of being their voice is ours. Let’s not deprive the next generation with the wonders we see now just to satisfy our human needs. Their lives are in our hands. We are their protectors!

Animals are not here for us to do as we please with. We are not their superiors, we are their equals. We are their family.” -PETA

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