William Kass, an artist from Sao Paulo Brazil, obviously had a good time making these miniature pieces out of fruits, vegetables, pasta, cones, and everything else he can get his hands on. He calls this photo series “Minimize – Food”
Source: Facebook|Website|Shop (H/T: illusion)
Take a look at how he managed to put his little people in a variety of fun scenarios:
Summer Orange
These two ladies are having a great time on the pool, er, the orange.
Pitaya Wall Climbing
Mountain climbing aficionados are sure to crack up on this one.
Zuchinni Circus Cannon
Who knew this summer squash could be used this way? And oh, nice touch for adding that tiny tomato!
Brazil 0x0 Mexico
Such a fun artwork, especially if you’re a huge soccer fan. Although, if you are, you’d probably notice the ball is a bit too big.
Night Fishing in the Swamp of Black Beans
I initially thought this guy was fishing while shirtless but no. Take a closer look!
Chili Fire
Literally hot!
Watermelon Cemetery
Expressing condolences to those who have lost their seeds.
Sumo Pizza
This dough is gonna be squished in minutes.
Tomato Time Capsule
Radioactive tomato, anyone?
Lone Fisherman
“I wonder if I’ll catch any fish today.”
Radioactive Candy Drops
Looks like a bunch of astronauts on an alien world to me.
Pomodoro Land
Going boldly where no man has gone before.
Cheese for Dinner
Yes, please!
Titanic Ice Cream
Better abandon the boat early on.
The Old Man and the Sea
Big fish or sea monster? The old man couldn’t quite decide.