In Japan, there is a game show that uses cockroaches as part of their game. Two contestants should place their mouths at the end of a clear tube. A cockroach is placed in the middle, which they need to blow back and forth for it not to reach their mouths and ingest it. Sounds fun, but gross!
Japan’s Game Show Featured Two Girls Blowing as Hard as They Can For The Cockroach, Not To Reach Their Mouths!
Cockroaches are considered to be one of the most disgusting pests in our habitats. They crawl everywhere, so imagine how dirty their tiny legs can be. That's why a lot of homemade and commercialized products are being sold in the market just to get rid of them. However, there are some who believes that roaches are not pests. They said they can be used for medicines and even be a kind of delicacy.
In Japan, there is a game show that uses cockroaches as part of their game. Two contestants should place their mouths at the end of a clear tube. A cockroach is placed in the middle, which they need to blow back and forth for it not to reach their mouths and ingest it. Sounds fun, but gross!
In Japan, there is a game show that uses cockroaches as part of their game. Two contestants should place their mouths at the end of a clear tube. A cockroach is placed in the middle, which they need to blow back and forth for it not to reach their mouths and ingest it. Sounds fun, but gross!